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We've already performed simple input and output with variables INPUT and OUTPUT. In this chapter, you'll learn more about SNOBOL4's I/O capabilities.

SNOBOL4 can communicate with up to 16 different files at once. A "file" is either a disk file or a device, such as a printer. Every file is identified by a "unit number," which is an integer between 1 and 16. You chose the numbers when you select the files you wish to use. The particular numbers chosen have no special significance; they just distinguish one file from another.

Actual input or output of data is performed by "associating" a variable with a unit number and a direction. When a statement tries to use the variable's value, a line is read from the associated file. When a value is stored in the variable, a line is written to the associated file. INPUT and OUTPUT are variables whose association with the keyboard and screen were preset by SNOBOL4. For historical reasons, they use unit numbers 5 and 6 respectively.

Strings are the only data type which can be transferred to and from files. A successful input operation always returns a string. During output, nonstring objects, such as integers, are automatically converted to their string form.

The functions INPUT and OUTPUT (not to be confused with the variables INPUT and OUTPUT) are provided to attach a unit number to a variable, and optionally, to a particular file. Their names are distinguished from the variables of the same names by appearing as functions, that is, with parentheses and an argument list.

3.1.1 Associating File Names and Units

There are two ways to tell SNOBOL4 what file will be used with a particular unit number:

  1. As an option on the SNOBOL4 command line, like this:
    Here, unit number 2 is associated with the file named 'ADDRESS.TXT', and unit number 8 with file 'RESULT.DAT'. It will still be necessary to use the INPUT or OUTPUT function described below to associate variables with these unit numbers. This method works best when different files will be used each time the program is run.

  2. Use a string containing the file name as the fourth argument to the INPUT or OUTPUT function, as in:
        INPUT(..., 2, ..., 'ADDRESS.TXT')
    This method is better when the file name will not change, or is a string derived from a dialogue with the user, or is produced from a string calculation.

    A file name consisting of a single hyphen ("-") is reserved, and specifies the MS-DOS standard input file when used with the INPUT function, or the standard output file when used with the OUTPUT function. These standard input or output files may be redirected on the command line using the MS-DOS redirection operators ("<filename" and ">filename").

3.1.2 Input

This function associates a variable with data read from a file:

    INPUT('variable', unit, length, 'file')
It succeeds and returns the null string if the file was found and successfully opened, and fails otherwise. Length is an optional integer that specifies the line length. If the file name argument is omitted, SNOBOL4 consults the command line to find the file to use with this unit.

For example, to open file TEXT.IN for input as unit 1, and associate variable READLINE with it, we would say

            INPUT('READLINE', 1, , 'TEXT.IN')    :S(OK)
            OUTPUT = 'Could not find file'       :(END)
    OK       . . .
If the file name were specified on the command line as /1=TEXT.IN, we only need the first two arguments to INPUT:
            INPUT('READLINE', 1)            :S(OK)
            OUTPUT = 'Could not find file'  :(END)
    OK       . . .
To read a line from the file, we simply use READLINE in a statement. The statement fails when the End-of-File is read:
    LINE = READLINE                 :F(END.OF.FILE)
Each file-associated variable will have a line length associated with it (80 characters unless SNOBOL4 is told otherwise in the length argument). Normally, reading stops at each end-ofline character (carriage return). If more than the line length has been read, the extra characters are discarded. If a short line is encountered, SNOBOL4 pads the line with blanks to produce the full line length. The end-of-line character is not included in the string returned.

Blank padding is another historic feature from the days when most input was on punch cards. The next section, "Keywords," will show you how to disable it. You can also use the TRIM function to remove superfluous trailing blanks. The previous statement then becomes:

When READLINE encounters the End-of-File, its failure signal is propagated outward, causing function TRIM to fail. This failure is detected in the GOTO field in the usual manner.

3.1.3 Output

This function associates a variable with data written to a file. If the file does not exist, it is created. If it already exists, its previous contents are discarded.

    OUTPUT('variable', unit, length, 'file')
The function succeeds and returns the null string if the file was successfully opened for output, and fails otherwise.

We write data to the file by assigning it to the associated variable. In this example, we will use a variable called PRINT, and the DOS device PRN: with a line length of 132 characters:

   OUTPUT('PRINT', 2, 132, 'PRN:')   :S(PRTOK)
   OUTPUT = 'Could not attach printer'  :(END)
   PRINT  = 'Text Listing - ' DATE()
   . . .
If the string assigned to an output variable is longer than the line length, SNOBOL4 will output as many lines as necessary of the standard line length to accommodate the string. SNOBOL4 supplies the carriage return and line feed characters at the end of each line.

Once again, the output file name could be given on the command line (/2=PRN:). The function call would then look like this:

   OUTPUT('PRINT', 2, 132)           :S(PRTOK)
    . . .

3.1.4 Changing I/O Defaults

Having INPUT and OUTPUT associated with the keyboard and screen may be altered in the SNOBOL4 command line. A surprising number of programs can be written this way, using only the variables INPUT and OUTPUT for I/O. The command line phrase /I=FILENAME, associates INPUT with the named file, and /O=FILENAME does the same for OUTPUT. SNOBOL4 makes all the associations for you; no call to the INPUT or OUTPUT function is required.

SNOBOL4 also provides the pre-associated variable SCREEN. Using SCREEN allows your program to post messages to the display even if OUTPUT has been redirected elsewhere.

If we have a program written in terms of variables INPUT and OUTPUT, it can be run without alteration with different data files. For example, the following program will copy INPUT to OUTPUT, and place the line length and a blank in front of each line:

    LOOP    S = TRIM(INPUT)                 :F(END)
            OUTPUT = SIZE(S) ' ' S          :(LOOP)
Suppose we associate file TEXT.IN with INPUT, and TEXT.OUT with OUTPUT. We've supplied the morning song from Shakespeare's Cymbeline in file TEXT.IN, and the program above in file LENGTH.SNO. You can run it like this:

   Vanilla SNOBOL4      Version 2.14.
   (c) Copyright 1984,1988 Catspaw, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

   No errors

   44 Hark! hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings,
    . . .
SNOBOL4 will supply the default file name extensions .IN and .OUT for the /I and /O options, so the command line could be shortened to:


Input/Output allows your program to communicate with the outside world. Your program may also communicate with the SNOBOL4 system itself. Keywords allow you to modify SNOBOL4's behavior, and to obtain information from the system. A keyword consists of the ampersand character (&) followed by an alphabetic name. They are used in a statement in the same way as a variable. They either provide values or have values assigned to them. Numeric keywords are restricted to integer values.


You now have the ingredients to create some simple programs. However, if this were all of the SNOBOL4 language, there would be very little reason to use it. We'll get to pattern matching shortly, where you'll find many new, challenging concepts. First, however, you should be comfortable with the preceding material.

Take a few minutes to examine and run the following programs.

3.3.1 File Counts - FCOUNTS.SNO

This program counts the number of characters and lines in a file. Because real numbers are not available in Vanilla SNOBOL4, you should only use this program with input files smaller than 32,767 characters.

            &TRIM  = 1
            CHARS  = 0
            LINES  = LINES + 1              :(NEXTL)
    DONE    OUTPUT = CHARS ' characters'
            OUTPUT = +LINES ' lines read'
In such a small program, it's permissible to rely upon the fact that the system initializes LINES to the null string. The first use of the statement:
    LINES  = LINES + 1              :(NEXTL)
converts LINES from the null string to an integer value. We used the expression +LINES in the last statement to produce an integer 0 (instead of the null string), if the input file were empty. To count the characters and lines in a file, use the /I= option, as in:

3.3.2 Formatting Text - TRIPLET.SNO

This program reformats a file by centering the lines and arranging them in groups of three. Note that statements containing an asterisk in column one are considered comments by SNOBOL4.

    * Trim input, count input lines:
            &TRIM = 1
            N = 0

    * Read next input line, all done if End-of-File.
    LOOP    S = INPUT                       :F(END)

    * Precede with blanks to center within 80 character line:
            OUTPUT = DUPL(' ', (80 - SIZE(S)) / 2) S

    * Increment count, but reset to 0 every third line.
    * Also, output a blank line when count resets:
            N = REMDR(N + 1, 3)
            OUTPUT = EQ(N, 0)               :(LOOP)
This program uses the DUPL function to produce the leading blanks required to center a line. A simple calculation based on each line's width determines the number of blanks needed.

The last two statements break the file lines into triplets. The REMDR function returns the integer remainder (modulus) when the first argument is divided by the second. In this case, assigning the result to variable N causes N to continually cycle through the values 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, .... When N is 0, the last statement assigns the null string to OUTPUT, producing a blank line. If N is 1 or 2, EQ fails, and the assignment fails.

Try running the program with the sample text file:


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